Monday, January 6, 2014

Yosemite National Park!

So majestic and beautiful
En route we saw this fluffy white bull. He didn't want to be
my friend :/

Out of my entire trip, Yosemite has had the best views by far. 

Winter camping is freezing, I don't recommend it unless you are awesome and can brave the cold no problemo. I'm just not that awesome.

We hiked Nevada Falls (really lovely hike) and tried to go on a closed trail but had to turn back because it was just way to sketchy. Very very real chance of us dying because the ice was not only covering the entire trail (and leading into a massive drop off a cliff) it was also melting. So extra sketchy.
We decided to live another day and take the non-novel way back down the mountain.

Also hiked Upper Yosemite Falls (about 3.4 miles, 2,5000 ft) and Yosemite Point (4.4 miles, 3,000 feet).
That extra mile to Yosemite Point is so worth it. Do it. Best view I have ever seen. Also the climb up is a ton of fun and is beautiful because you go over the waterfall.
There is a legit trail way to get up to Yosemite Point and a non-trail, not recommended way.
Super sketchy ice.
We took the non-trail up (lots of fun, not that sketchy, I recommend it), and then the trail way back down. Also beautiful although it takes 3 times longer.

El Capitan! One day I'll be good enough
to climb this

People live in here!

View from Upper Yosemite Falls

Half Dome in the sunset!

View from Yosemite Point. The picture does it
no justice.

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