Monday, November 11, 2013

Random Weekend Trip To Tahoe!

Awesome rock with strange pattern
I wonder what made it look this way
(with just one strip of rock being rough)
Went on a trip with some random (and all totally awesome) CHAOS people and it turned out fantastic!

We ended up going off trail and hiking an unnamed peak. There is a whole different world on the different levels of mountain and everything was just so beautiful and powerful and  majestic, ahhh. Love it so much.

We went through fields of painful spikeys, literally did mountain climbers to get up the sandy parts of the mountain, rolled around in the snow and engaged in very intense pinecone throwing wars. 

I've decided that when I'm old I want to die on top of a mountain. I'll get a helicopter to bring me and my death bed to the peak of somewhere awesome, and I'll just fall asleep in perpetual happiness.

Anyways Day 1 was perfectly spent and we ended the night with some great locals that someone from our party knew.

Day 2 was exploring Lake Tahoe and hitting up a secret beach recommended by the locals and proceeding to build a house and then a bridge to get from rock to rock. It ended with some of us (myself included) jumping into the freezing cold water and having our hearts restart.
No regrets.
One side was totally dry and the back side
(not in picture) was completely snowy. So cool.

No name, but location of peak:
38°51'45.39"N 119°55'38.54"W

More super cool rock/lichen combos. I wish I knew what
all of these were in specific.

Photo: Just climbed a possibly un-named peak in Tahoe, does that mean it's open for naming rights?
We named our peak Onward Peak in honor of the
weekend's motto.
Where are we going? ONWARD.

Lake Tahoe is stunning!

It was so beautiful that I decided to move in.
So I built a home out of logs :)
Yup, absolutely freezing.

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