Monday, November 11, 2013

Pesca-Freegan? Super easy and healthy meals!

People always ask me what I eat.

So I'm largely a pescatarian, and a pesca-vegan whenever possible.

I don't think pesca-vegan is a thing, but whatever, it makes sense.

I eat fish and seafood and avoid all other animals products.

But if there is pizza at a party and I am starving, I will eat pizza. So yeah, I can't claim to be vegan, but I try.

Here's what my typical lunches are like.
IT IS SO EASY TO BE HEALTHY. Every night I spend about 20-30 min cooking dinner for that night, breakfast for the next morning and lunch for the next day.
 My staple lunch foods:
  • Nutritional yeast (for a slew of vitamins, specifically B12) and Chia seeds (Omega's)
  • Or if I have fish, I might not use chia/yeast since salmon is pretty much the only fish I eat and it's got B12 and Omega's
  • Seasonal Vegetable (usually cooked in spicy mustard)
  • SPICY MUSTARD. I devour this stuff like no body's business. 
  • Wild rice/Quinoa
  • Leaves (spinach, arugula, sprouts, etc)
  • Other veggies that I have laying around
  • Sometimes I'll make a creamy sauce (ex: blend together pine nuts/cilantro and lemon)
  • Recently I've been cooking my veggies by just steaming them for a little while on a pan with spicy mustard, a few tablespoons of water, paprika, and whatever other spices I'm in the mood for.
My breakfast:

I love waking up in the mornings and starting the day off with a delicious green smoothie. Honestly green froth IS SO GOOD. Makes you feel so alive.
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Rainbow Chard
  • Green tea
  • Wheat grass
  • A little bit of fruit (frozen banana, frozen pineapple, etc)
    I liked to buy a ton of fruit at one time, chop it up and then freeze it so I've got a steady supply of fruit for 1-2 weeks
Yellow power = nutritional yeast
(if you've never had it, it's sort of cheesy flavored)
and brown powder = ground up chia seeds

Info session swag ftw!

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