Monday, April 14, 2014

What does it mean to learn?

Currently taking a very funky and different theater class (for me at least). I don't dance or do theater but decided to take this class because it sounded interesting and I've always been a very expressive person - so I figured I might enjoy a theater class.

Had a reading on The Feldenkrais Method, here's an interesting excerpt:

"Most of our learning is informational - facts and idea that we take in through books, lectures, and other media, where we listen to someone else tell us what we should know and understand. 

Real learning, the kind we all experienced as children, comes from our ability to make distinctions and crease new relationships to the world we live in. Through this kind of learning, we can develop a sense of self based on an internal criteria and an inner authority. "

Nothing revolutionary but I thought it was a nice reminder to always be aware of how your experiences in the world relate to your personal development and to reflect on what you're learning as you're learning it.

Skydiving, Comedy Shows, and the Snowboarding

Superb weekend.
Skydiving at Bay Area Skydiving
  • Amazingly fun experience
  • Not scary! (Bungee jumping is more of an adrenaline kick for sure, but skydiving is in general more fun).
  • Overall: DO IT. Unless you're truly petrified of heights. 
  • Also landing is a lot smoother and more gentle than I expected. 


Comedy Show at Sports Basement
  • Free entry, free snacks, free wine + beer!
  • Hilarious, seriously really funny (most of the people)
  • Totally unexpected location ... the basement of the Sports Basement (sporting goods store), wha? Excellent choice to go though.


  • Went to Sugarbowl in Tahoe for the first time
  • It's was supposed to be part of Disneyland originally?? Haha
  • Pretty good slopes, definitely see myself going back there when the ice will be a little better (it was April, and hot, so it was rather slushy). Northstar is still my favorite though.
    Driving back from skydiving we saw obviously
      we had to pull over to pet them

    Tried to bake fancy bananas

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Leverging Limitations

Just read a great blog post on HELLO, My Name is Blog and it really resonated. 
Here's a quote taken from there that referred to a cancer patient speaking to their doctor.  

“If you have a bad attitude about your disease, odds are, you won’t get better­­, because you won’t do the necessary research on the resources that will make you better. You’ll never find the solution that leads to the solution. That’s the physical and procedural manifestation of a bad attitude. Mindset may not affect the outcome, but it does affect the experience.”

I recommend a read for sure.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Update about linkpack!

The positive response thus far for linkpack has been amazing - so thank you all!

For those not yet familiar, here's the skinny on the app created for travelers, by travelers.

  • Let's say you decide to go to South America 
    • First off, right on for carpe-ing the heck of out the diem
  • Say you're in Cusco, Peru and:
    • You're lonely and need want to meet some awesome fellow travelers
    • You're not lonely but you don't like the people you're with and want to meet some new ones
    • You're not lonely and you like the people you're with but you still want to meet new people!
    • You want to find out what's happening tonight (real-time updates)
      • Business/club promotions that you can capitalize on via freebies
      • Festivals
      • Contests
      • Races
    • You want to find a temporary job
    • You need to find a place to crash
      • You're concerned about safety, cost, access to public transportation and/or proximity to desired locations
  • If you will ever find yourself thinking "Yes, me!" to any of those conditions, then this app is created with you in mind.
    • This app is being built by a group of people who thrive off of adventure and travel. The whole time we were abroad we kept wishing something like this existed - so here we are creating it!
It’ll be ready soon. Now you can sign up for free access!

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How I live life: Part 1, Weekly Evaluations

Ever feel like you're not doing anything with your life, like you're living in a nebulous realm?
I certainly used to. All the time I would think "What have I really done? What do I want to do? Where is my life heading? Will I be happy in the future?!?!?!"

Finally I found a solution to my qualms.

Every single week, on Sunday nights, I evaluate my progress in 6 areas.
Important Thing
What I accomplished
What I failed at



Professional Growth



This is an unavoidable, absolutely mandatory event every single week.

So far it's been working out phenomenally. I feel a far greater satisfaction from life because I can very tangibly evaluate my progress and my failures.

I highly recommend doing this - I spend about 30 min on it! And honestly it's pretty fun to do once you get started.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

linkpack: A live forum linking nearby travelers on the road!

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Return Home: Elephant seal sex and government warnings

Acrobats from America's Got Talent, really really talented
Day 1:
  •  Free circus show at Circus Circus! Also some arcade games. I discovered that I suck pitifully at motorcycle racing games and Guitar Hero but that I am Supreme Champion of the World in Air Hockey.

  • Alien Jerky Store

  • 'Ghost Town': We wanted to see it, but we ended up getting there circa 4pm and it closed at 5pm. Also it cost $8/adult to get in and since we figured it's something super touristy and rather gimmicky, we opted to avoid it. 
  • World's Largest Thermometer

  • Failed Mitchell Caves: Wanted to see these so bad! But didn't get a chance too because roadtrippers gave the wrong location and in fact the caves were 109 miles (2.5 hrs) inland. And we just didn't have 5 hrs round trip + 2-3 hrs of exploring there to kill.

So. Much. Emptiness.
Day 2:
Picture from the internet of the plane. We couldn't actually
see it.
Slept in the car (didn't want to pay for a motel), stopped by Grace Bible Church because my bladder was exploding in the morning and nothing nearby was open.

Ended up being surprised by meeting Joann, one of the kindest and most genuinely awesome people I've ever met.
She not only showed us where the bathroom was, but also gave us coffee/tea, pastries and sun chips. Also wifi and a place to sit down and eat/get our bearings/deal with real life stuff that we've neglected with the lack of internet over these past few weeks.
We talked about the interesting lifestyles of people in Helendale (where the church is located). On top of being absurdly kind, Joanne also has an incredibly colorful and interesting history. (She's 50 but I swear she looks no more than 35).
Overall, superb start to the day.

Also met the Youth Coordinator of the church, very cool guy.

Helendale = one of the most "remote towns in all of the US"

Moral of the story: Talk to people. Throughout all of my journeys I just keep learning how important this is to making an experience more enriching. Talk to people. Be friendly, even if they're grumpy. Don't be afraid to say 'Hi' or just smile. Don't be shy. If they reject you, so be it. The possibility of them being awesome and friendly greatly outweighs any detriment you'd derive from them being jerks.

After Helendale we visited the very very cool Bottle Tree Ranch.
Definitely worth a look-see if you ever find yourself near Helendale on Route 66. The man who built the whole thing has been collecting stuffy essentially his whole life. Very kind and warm fella, certainly a lovely addition to our trip home.

Elmer (the owner of the ranch) even had his own facebook page!

Casual ex-missile

Also casual car.

Oil rigs right on the freeway?!

Then we tried to get to Snoopy, an old abandoned aircraft but when we drove (2 hours off the road) there and finally arrived, there was a big sign that essentially said "US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY. DO NOT ENTER."

It was very very tempting to just go anyways. But we figured it was best not to trespass on US Government property...I kind of like my life.

The rest of the day was just driving to the coast, we slept in the car again. Hurray for church parking lots. Also apparently hospitals and Walmart allows you to sleep in their parking lots (thanks to Joann for the tip!!)

Day 3:

Driving up the beautiful California coast.

Nitt Witt Ridge: A house built completely from trash

Lawn decorations at Nitt Witt

Found out it was part of Hearst Castle later

Mating season for Elephant Seals!
So noisy but very cool too see them fighting and interacting.
Saw a male almost kill/suffocate a baby seal because he
accidentally rolled on top of it and the baby couldn't get
out. The massive male couldn't even feel the baby underneath
him because of all his blubber.
All was good in the end :) Mama seal helped save the baby

Most delicious Kombucha I've ever had. And
I've had quite a few.

Started the morning at Nitt Witt Ridge, a house built entirely out of trash. Then headed to the Hearst Castle which was very very touristy. But the exhibits were incredibly interesting nonetheless.

After Hearst Castle we went to see the elephant seals mating.
Big Sur

Sunset at Carmel
Then drove through Big Sur and stopped at Carmel (so quaint and cottage-y) for lunch/dinner/the sunset.

Day 4:
Eating all the finest foods of Berkeley.

At last we are back!

Icis = best gelato I've ever had in my life (including those I had in Italy. Second best would be this one place in Florence where we ended up paying $5 euros per ice cream -_- . That's about $6.80 USD for one ice cream.)

Why is this a thing.
Sliver = best pizza ever (again, including pizza I had in Italy, although to be honest, I only ate pizza once there. And yeah it was delicious, but nothing really novel like
Sliver/Cheeseboard's flavors).
Cinnaholic = Delicious, but meh, wouldn't go back.