Monday, April 14, 2014

What does it mean to learn?

Currently taking a very funky and different theater class (for me at least). I don't dance or do theater but decided to take this class because it sounded interesting and I've always been a very expressive person - so I figured I might enjoy a theater class.

Had a reading on The Feldenkrais Method, here's an interesting excerpt:

"Most of our learning is informational - facts and idea that we take in through books, lectures, and other media, where we listen to someone else tell us what we should know and understand. 

Real learning, the kind we all experienced as children, comes from our ability to make distinctions and crease new relationships to the world we live in. Through this kind of learning, we can develop a sense of self based on an internal criteria and an inner authority. "

Nothing revolutionary but I thought it was a nice reminder to always be aware of how your experiences in the world relate to your personal development and to reflect on what you're learning as you're learning it.

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