Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How I live life: Part 1, Weekly Evaluations

Ever feel like you're not doing anything with your life, like you're living in a nebulous realm?
I certainly used to. All the time I would think "What have I really done? What do I want to do? Where is my life heading? Will I be happy in the future?!?!?!"

Finally I found a solution to my qualms.

Every single week, on Sunday nights, I evaluate my progress in 6 areas.
Important Thing
What I accomplished
What I failed at



Professional Growth



This is an unavoidable, absolutely mandatory event every single week.

So far it's been working out phenomenally. I feel a far greater satisfaction from life because I can very tangibly evaluate my progress and my failures.

I highly recommend doing this - I spend about 30 min on it! And honestly it's pretty fun to do once you get started.

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