Monday, April 14, 2014

What does it mean to learn?

Currently taking a very funky and different theater class (for me at least). I don't dance or do theater but decided to take this class because it sounded interesting and I've always been a very expressive person - so I figured I might enjoy a theater class.

Had a reading on The Feldenkrais Method, here's an interesting excerpt:

"Most of our learning is informational - facts and idea that we take in through books, lectures, and other media, where we listen to someone else tell us what we should know and understand. 

Real learning, the kind we all experienced as children, comes from our ability to make distinctions and crease new relationships to the world we live in. Through this kind of learning, we can develop a sense of self based on an internal criteria and an inner authority. "

Nothing revolutionary but I thought it was a nice reminder to always be aware of how your experiences in the world relate to your personal development and to reflect on what you're learning as you're learning it.

Skydiving, Comedy Shows, and the Snowboarding

Superb weekend.
Skydiving at Bay Area Skydiving
  • Amazingly fun experience
  • Not scary! (Bungee jumping is more of an adrenaline kick for sure, but skydiving is in general more fun).
  • Overall: DO IT. Unless you're truly petrified of heights. 
  • Also landing is a lot smoother and more gentle than I expected. 


Comedy Show at Sports Basement
  • Free entry, free snacks, free wine + beer!
  • Hilarious, seriously really funny (most of the people)
  • Totally unexpected location ... the basement of the Sports Basement (sporting goods store), wha? Excellent choice to go though.


  • Went to Sugarbowl in Tahoe for the first time
  • It's was supposed to be part of Disneyland originally?? Haha
  • Pretty good slopes, definitely see myself going back there when the ice will be a little better (it was April, and hot, so it was rather slushy). Northstar is still my favorite though.
    Driving back from skydiving we saw obviously
      we had to pull over to pet them

    Tried to bake fancy bananas

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Leverging Limitations

Just read a great blog post on HELLO, My Name is Blog and it really resonated. 
Here's a quote taken from there that referred to a cancer patient speaking to their doctor.  

“If you have a bad attitude about your disease, odds are, you won’t get better­­, because you won’t do the necessary research on the resources that will make you better. You’ll never find the solution that leads to the solution. That’s the physical and procedural manifestation of a bad attitude. Mindset may not affect the outcome, but it does affect the experience.”

I recommend a read for sure.